Relatório “Combate à Desinformação e ao Discurso de Ódio na Amazônia Legal”
The Working Group (GT) to Combat Disinformation and Hate Speech in the Legal Amazon, composed of Intervozes, Instituto COJOVEM, Mapinguari, Matpha, Casa Ninja Amazônia/Mídia Ninja, Abaré, Coletivo Jovem Tapajônico, Research Group Media, knowledge and environment: perspectives of the Amazon (UFRR), Sleeping Giants Brasil and Instituto Vero launched the report on mapping disseminators of misleading content in the region.
The document gathers data on pages and profiles that circulate in the region and provides a different perspective on socio-environmental disinformation. More than 200 pages were surveyed. Of these, 70 were analyzed more consistently and profiled into three major segments based on their recurrence and similarities: right-wing organizations and activists, public figures representing politics, and news outlets or companies. Finally, based on criteria such as journalistic self-designation and high visibility, three portals were chosen to further investigate and seek to understand the dimensions that hate speech and disinformation assume on digital platforms in the Legal Amazon. The three portals investigated were Portal Novo Norte, from Tocantins; Vista Pátria, from Rio de Janeiro; and Terra Brasil Notícias, from Rio Grande do Norte.
Link to download the pdf: https://app.rios.org.br/index.php/s/ncgsaHS5y8gSSHZ
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Agenda de Políticas Públicas Projetos e Programas das Juventudes do Pará
The Public Policy, Projects and Programs Agenda is a document developed by the COJOVEM Institute in partnership with more than 30 youth organizations in the State of Pará based on the insights collected in the “Speak, Youth of Pará” survey.