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“Speak, Youth of Pará” Survey

This qualitative-quantitative research aimed to understand the landscape of public policies, projects, and programs focused on youth in the state of Pará, as well as the budget allocated for the implementation of public policies. It mapped barriers and opportunities within the political system of Pará to include youth in government plans and strategies, especially in light of social vulnerability, post-COVID-19 challenges, and the increase in climate vulnerabilities, through semi-structured interviews with government departments and state actors. It also sought to understand the landscape from the perspective of youth, using qualitative-quantitative questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with movements, leaders, and organizations working on the youth agenda in the state of Pará, aiming to understand the state of civic participation, as well as its challenges and opportunities through the lens of youth.

Key insights from the research include: digital exclusion in the Amazon of Pará; plans for strengthening Education, the Environment, and Fighting Hunger; delayed Amazonian youth; lack of youth involvement in political deliberations; the priority of income and employment for the survival of youth in Pará; empowering youth to ensure the present and future of the Amazon with quality of life, environmentally, culturally, and educationally.

The research stages involved: gathering and analyzing public policies for youth in Pará; a qualitative-quantitative questionnaire called "Fala, Juventudes do Pará"; semi-structured interviews with youth leaders, organizations, and government departments; and an in-person immersion with more than 35 young representatives from organizations and collectives in Pará.

This resulted in a comprehensive research report, which can be downloaded here:

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