Agenda de Políticas Públicas Projetos e Programas das Juventudes do Pará
The Public Policy, Projects and Programs Agenda is a document developed by the COJOVEM Institute in partnership with more than 30 youth organizations in the State of Pará based on the insights collected in the “Speak, Youth of Pará” survey.
The main objective is to have a propositional document so that decision-makers and other project developers in the Legal Amazon can have evidence to develop policies, projects and programs to face climate challenges in an intersectional way for young people and adolescents in the State, as well as to transversalize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the needs of the Pará territories, having in this document adequate SDG targets, as well as principles, guidelines and proposals to face climate challenges in Pará.
Download the document here
link: Agenda to call our own! / Full Version and Action Menu