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International Incidences

The COJOVEM Institute is an organization committed to connecting the issues of Amazonian youth to global negotiation spheres, especially in the areas of adaptation, just transition, and loss and damage, with over 10 international conferences in the field of climate.

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National Incidences

National Incidences

The COJOVEM Institute is an organization committed to connecting the issues of youth from the Legal Amazon to the national sphere in favor of...

Campaign We Want Now! Youth Secretariat in Pará.

Campaign We Want Now! Youth Secretariat in Pará.

With over 2 million young people (¼ of the population), Pará does not have a secretariat dedicated to youth: we only have a management unit within the Secretariat of Justice and Human Rights.

Coalizão de Juventudes Amazônidas por Direitos: Câmara Técnica de Juventudes e clima

Coalizão de Juventudes Amazônidas por Direitos: Câmara Técnica de Juventudes e clima

The Technical Chamber of Youths of the Pará Forum on Climate Change and Adaptation is a space for the civic participation of youth, created through the political actions of the COJOVEM Institute.

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