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A Maré tá pras Juventudes? The Multivoices of Exclusion in the Amazons

The web documentary "A Maré Tá pras Juventudes? The Multivoices of Exclusion in the Amazon" aims to highlight and strengthen the struggles and resistance of young leaders in the Amazon. It sheds light on the impacts of digital exclusion and the climate emergency on society, while calling for the creation of new realities for the Amazon, led by youth. This project is carried out by the Cooperation of Amazonian Youth for Sustainable Development (COJOVEM), funded by the Aldir Blanc Law through the Juventude Ativa call from the Movimento República de Emaús, in collaboration with the Pará State Secretariat of Culture (Secult/PA) and the Federal Government.

The Source of the Tide

Through a poetic-scientific narrative, the web documentary presents life in the Amazon region through the performance of Sarita, who symbolizes the Amazonian people. When she faints in the face of the degradation caused by exploitation and colonialism, Sarita represents the disconnection of people from their own stories. However, when she wakes up, she reconnects with a parallel reality, where the Amazonians are united with the Amazon, assuming the role of protagonists in the social, environmental and economic resignification of the region.

This production promotes digital citizenship through culture, presenting the Digital Citizenship Manifesto in "Web-Clip" format, encouraging debate about Amazonian territories and the impacts of digital exclusion.

The web documentary serves as the basis for the A Maré tá pras Juventudes Program, which aims to mobilize young people in the Amazon region to create new realities together, seeking to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 and climate change in the Amazon.




Diretor Executivo


Embaixador da Juventude pelo Escritório de Drogas e Crimes da ONU; Formado em Gestão Pública e de Relações Internacionais; Cofundador e Diretor Executivo da Cooperação da Juventude Amazônida para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável - COJOVEM; Conselheiro da cidade de Belém no Programa Tá Selado no segmento de Saneamento e Meio Ambiente; Reúne formações multidisciplinares em Advocacy, Mobilização Social e Gestão de Organizacional e de projetos, sendo ponto focal e liderança local na promoção de juventudes em espaços de poder, com experiência em gestão de pessoas, meios para implementação de parcerias e cooperação multissetorial.

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A Maré tá pras Juventudes

The program promotes the development of an Agenda of Public Policies, Projects and Programs to address the climate challenges faced by young people.

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