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Maré Mobilizadora

The Maré Mobilizadora Project is an online training journey, with communication and social mobilization challenges, offering cash prizes and unique opportunities for young people from Pará! We had the participation of 362 young people registered to fill the 150 vacancies available for the mobilizing youth.

Young people from different regions of the State of Pará, aged between 16 and 35, were selected to participate in 10 training courses on the following thematic axes:

Fundamental rights, democracy and citizenship

Environment and climate change

Communication and social mobilization

How it works

Based on the training, the groups are challenged weekly to communicate what they have learned and to mobilize their territories in favor of youth and the Amazon. These challenges yield weekly prizes for the teams that stand out, and the teams accumulate points throughout the journey. At the end, the teams with the most results are awarded R$7,000.00, R$5,000.00 and R$3,000.00.

"The main objective of the cash prizes is to reduce the socioeconomic vulnerabilities of the youth of Pará and encourage the formation of innovative and proactive coalitions in Pará. We want these groups to continue to mobilize as a collective and promote the participation of the Amazonian population in the construction of their own territory. The North of Brazil has the highest percentage of young people, according to the IBGE, but we have noticed a lack of public policies for the youth of the Amazon. This has become even more evident with COVID-19 and the climate crisis. To change this reality, we need to mobilize, get involved and share knowledge that enables us to influence and co-create the future we want for our territories", says Karla Giovanna Braga, Management and Sustainability Coordinator of the A Maré tá pras Juventudes Program.


are unemployed or have interrupted their studies.


are unemployed or have interrupted their studies.


are unemployed or have interrupted their studies.

The Mobilization

The journey is in full swing, both on social media and on the streets, flooding the state of Pará with Amazonian narratives. Our main mission is to democratize information and combat misinformation. We are creating a true tidal wave of information!

In addition to the group awards, young people who stand out individually during the Mobilizing Tide will be invited to take on the title of Ambassadors of the Amazon Youth Cooperation for Sustainable Development. They will also have the opportunity to join Rebujo da Maré, a co-creation space aimed at developing an agenda to mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis on young people in the state of Pará. This is a unique and unmissable opportunity within the next step of the A Maré tá pras Juventudes Program.

Vote for the Amazon

Increase in the number of votes for candidates who work in favor of the Amazon.

Political Renewal

Increase in candidacies from Pará in favor of the Amazon and youth.

Social Mobilization

Consolidation of a civic space mobilized around political and environmental issues.

Citizenship Training

Strengthening and training of youth groups in the state of Pará.

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A Maré tá pras Juventudes

The program promotes the development of an Agenda of Public Policies, Projects and Programs to address the climate challenges faced by young people.

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