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Horizons for Indigenous Youth

The entrepreneurial training offered by the Besouro Institute, in cooperation with COJOVEM, takes place in indigenous villages in the state of Pará and is aimed at young people aged 18 to 29, focusing on topics and practices related to entrepreneurship in the field of socio-bioeconomy. The project has already trained more than 300 indigenous youth in the Indigenous Territories of Sororó, Mãe Maria, Xikrin do Cateté, Parakanã, Tupinambá, Kumarumã, and Cobra Grande.

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Message House

Message House

Com o objetivo de quebrar narrativas de desinformação na Amazônia, construímos mensagens com pontos-chave sobre a proteção, defesa e preservação desse território,...

Documentary "A Maré Tá pras Juventudes? A Multivozes da Exclusão nas Amazônias"

Documentary "A Maré Tá pras Juventudes? A Multivozes da Exclusão nas Amazônias"

The documentary "A Maré Tá pras Juventudes? A Multivozes da Exclusão nas Amazônias" aims to be a platform for debates that highlights and strengthens the struggles and resistances of young leaders from the Amazon.

Maré Mobilizadora

Maré Mobilizadora

The Maré Mobilizadora project aimed to train young mobilizers on topics such as fundamental rights, the environment, and media education, focusing on building skills and ...

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